Common Family Heirlooms

Common Family Heirlooms

Whenever someone passes away in a family, they tend to share their heirlooms with family members. It’s a great way to keep the family history alive. We see this happen often and it brings in a unique perspective and reasoning. There will always be challenges, especially when it comes to the history of a family. Understanding the role of these family heirlooms and their importance can be crucial. That’s why we want to know the most common family heirlooms and why they are shared.


There are many types of family heirlooms, but items of jewelry tend to be the most common. Either they have a great sentimental value, or they also have a lot of monetary value. Regardless, these items are passed from generation to generation, and they truly stand out when it comes to their importance and uniqueness.

Watches and clothes

Some people collected watches during their life, so it’s common that family heirlooms in their case would be those watches. Yes, sometimes you can receive a family heirloom that’s in the form of a very old, maybe collectible watch. It is a common thing, and the same thing can be said about vintage clothes. They are either meaningful to the family or quite expensive, and that alone means a lot in a situation like this.


It’s common for some people to share glassware and crystals as family heirlooms . These are pieces typically handed down from parents, and in many cases they have a significant amount of value. It really is something different and enjoyable, and in the end that can be quite exciting. It’s stuff like that which truly makes it stand out.

Musical Instruments

Although they are less common, musical instruments can be family heirlooms . It’s one of those item categories that people share as an heirloom, and that’s why it’s a very important to keep them in mind. Some of them might be expensive; others just meant a lot to the family. It’s common in the case of musicians, but even non-musician families share musical instruments as heirlooms, which is quite delightful.


Antique books can be worth a lot of money. Not only that, but they can be family heirlooms if the person sharing them was a collector before they passed away. It’s common to receive a bible or antique books. Even if not all of them have a massive value, there’s no denying that they look amazing. There’s a lot to learn from those books too, which is important to keep in mind.

Sporting Goods

Sporting goods are sometimes valuable and they certainly have a lot of sentimental value. Their monetary value depends on many things, but in the end it can be something to think about and take into consideration.

Kitchen items

We all know someone who inherited kitchen items from their loved ones. These are common family heirlooms; many families share them. It might not seem common in the beginning but they can be quite common and they are certainly appealing, especially if they are antiques. It’s simple stuff like that which can bring in an amazing experience.

Quilts and vintage textiles

Handmade items like this are family heirlooms mainly because there was a lot of love, care and attention placed into these items. They look cool, and they convey the sense of value that will bring an amazing result.

Journals and letters

Not all common family heirlooms are items you can use or sell. Some of them have sentimental value, and in this case journals, letters, and photos can be a great example. They might not have a huge monetary value like other family heirlooms , but they do stand out, and you will find them to be very meaningful and exciting at the same time.


Furniture is a common family heirloom, especially when we talk about vintage themed furniture—or just old furniture in general. This can be very valuable, not to mention it has that incredible, unique look that a lot of people love. And it’s totally something you want to check out. It might have its fair share of challenges, but what really matters is the unique style and the fact that you can also sell it if you choose to do so.


Recipes can sometimes be a great family heirloom as well. These are sacred in some families and they are passed from one generation to the next. It’s the sort of thing that really has more sentimental value, but in some cases it might have some monetary value too. It’s definitely different to anything else, that’s for sure.


If the loved one that passed away was a collector, it’s very common for them to leave a collection that’s unique and different. It’s safe to say that some collections bring a lot of monetary value with them, but that’s not always the case. Some can have more of a sentimental value.

Chests and Trunks

Those handcrafted trunks and chests that have a vintage look might actually be a great family heirloom. They are visually appealing and the quality that they bring to the table is nothing short of amazing. The best part about these pieces is their durability, and the overall style. Plus, you will find them a pleasure to keep and to cherish in the long run.


Some art pieces are sentimental; others might have a lot of value. Regardless, it’s common to share art pieces as family heirlooms , and the best part is that there are so many artists and styles. It’s one of those items that you can cherish forever and you are bound to appreciate it.


There’s no denying that there will always be amazing family heirlooms in many forms. What really matters is to leave something different and enjoyable, and doing that can indeed make a difference. It’s certainly a great idea to keep these heirlooms, although you can also sell them. In fact, some family heirlooms are specifically shared with the idea of being sold in case you need money. Regardless, there are all kinds of family heirlooms and it’s important to cherish and use them as your loved one wanted you to!

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