Misplaced priorities when there’s $430M for Ravens but transportation axed | READER COMMENTARY

Misplaced priorities when there’s $430M for Ravens but transportation axed | READER COMMENTARY

As a taxpaying citizen of Maryland, it absolutely astounds me to read that the state somehow found $430 million for the Ravens to upgrade their “front door” yet, so easily, decided to cut Maryland’s transportation budget (“Ravens’ $430M state-funded stadium upgrades to roll out in 2024, include 3 plazas, expanded concourses,” Dec. 12).

Maryland and Baltimore, in particular, are in desperate need of expanded, reliable European-style public transportation. The cost of an automobile including all of the annual upkeep is often extremely cost prohibitive especially for those citizens who are in urgent need of jobs.

As taxpayers, shouldn’t we be investing in our public services first and foremost? Maryland, you disappoint this taxpayer.

— Lisa Burton, Baltimore

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