Tips for Creating a Meaningful Memorial Tribute for Your Loved One

Tips for Creating a Meaningful Memorial Tribute for Your Loved One

If you recently lost a loved one, you may be wondering about the different ways you can pay tribute to them to honor their life and legacy. Memorial videos are a wonderful way of paying homage to a loved one you lost, helping to celebrate their life story through the recollection of happy memories. 

If you are considering making a memorial video for your loved one, but not sure where or how to begin, we have put together a guide with information regarding what a memorial video entails, as well as helpful tips and information to get you started. 

What is a Memorial Video? 

A memorial video is a video tribute that depicts a decedent’s life story through various forms of content. In the memorial video for your loved one, you may include photography and memorabilia slideshows, a collection of sentimental thoughts, prayers, and quotes that were meaningful to your loved one, or even video clips of memories shared with family and friends. Memorial videos are generally screened at various funeral services during or prior to the funeral service itself, or at the wake. And of course, after you have made one, you or any of your loved one can watch it again at any time to relive and savor happy memories to remember the decedent. 

Take Time With Your Loved One to Learn Their Story 

Ideally, before your loved one passes, you are able to take the time to sit down with them and hear from them personally about their life memories. Cherish this time that you have with them to ask them questions and let them share their stories with you. It is also a good time to gather pertinent information from them in regards to their family history, ancestry, genealogy and heritage so you can incorporate them into your family tree, and pass down that precious information to future generations. 

As you ask your loved one questions and listen to their recollections, you can record them, either with only their voice and/ or video, so you have lasting records of their stories. You can then even use these recordings in your memorial video, itself. 

It is important that you take advantage of the time that you have with your loved ones prior to their passing to collect information and stories from them as it may be harder to recall these memories from their surviving family members once they’re no longer here. 

Bring the Whole Family Into the Project

As you create your memorial video, it would be a good idea to get your whole family involved, so the production of the memorial video becomes its own beautiful memory reflecting precious time shared with.loved ones. You can sit down with your family members and friends of the decedent to gather their memories and stories to include in your tribute.

Remember, your memorial video will play an important role in grieving and healing as you and your family mourn the loss of your loved one. This will be a meaningful video for you and your family, so be sure to make them a part of this experience. 

Ask The Right Questions

We will go into more depth into the kinds of questions you should ask to gather information about your loved one to create their memorial video tribute in a future article, but we will touch upon them here. 

Whether you are speaking with your loved one before they pass, or are asking family members to recall memories with your loved one, here are examples of questions you may want to ask: 

  • Where did they grow up and what was their childhood like? 
  • What were some of their favorites hobbies? 
  • What are some of their most special or happiest memories? 
  • What are they most proud of or what were their most meaningful accomplishments or experiences? 

Use A Framework of Major Themes in Their Life

It can be a good idea to organize your content for your memorial video into various themes, as this framework will provide the structure of the story you are depicting of your loved one’s life. Consider the major themes of your loved one’s life. Did they have an epic love story you want to tell? Maybe they had incredible experiences traveling on vacation or on holiday. Think about the things that were unique to your loved one including their passions and interests, or organizations and communities they belonged to. These themes along with their memories will pull together the special story of their life. 

Put Together A Timeline

A beautiful option for structuring your loved one’s memorial video is through creating a timeline that tells their life story from beginning to end. A timeline would depict their story and life events in chronological order, recalling events as they happened from their childhood as they grew into an adult as well major events in their adult life on to their passing. In order to remember events as they occurred, it would be a good idea to ask family members to clarify chronological events so you can start creating the timeline. 

Add Mixed Media to Elevate Sentiment 

To create a more impactful and engaging tribute video you may wish to include video content if you have it, of clips of memories with your loved one who passed. You can conduct video interviews with your loved ones and include them in the video. Consider adding special background music to further enhance the emotion of your tribute video. Perhaps, you can choose pieces of music that were meaningful to your loved one. 

Bonus Tip: Yes, this is a memorial tribute for your loved one filled with great sentiment and meaning. However that doesn’t mean that you can’t infuse positive and hopeful tones, as well as inject humor and lightheartedness into the video, as well when appropriate. Beyond an homage of respect for your loved one, this video tribute is also a celebration of their life story, after all. So, don’t be afraid to incite some laughter in between tears. 

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