14th Amendment case against Trump looks strong | READER COMMENTARY

14th Amendment case against Trump looks strong | READER COMMENTARY

Letter writer Charlie Cooper states that whether or not candidate Donald Trump stays on states’ primary ballots is and should be, finally, a legal question based on constitutional law, by which the writer means the 14th Amendment, Section 3. Cooper urges for a speedy ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, saying it must respect the “plain language” of the U.S. Constitution (“Whether Trump will be on ballot is a matter of law,” Jan. 1).

Actually, that amendment provides two criteria for barring a candidate. It bars from office any public servant who has sworn support for the Constitution of the United States who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Trump didn’t physically go to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and take up arms to gain entry and harm anyone. Literally speaking, on that portion of the law he’s probably safe. It’s on the part of that sentence after the “or” that the court should rule against him. His words that day surely gave aid and comfort (and impetus) to the mob to storm the congressional halls. To me, that wording should result in a ruling against Trump.

Will it? The high court knows how highly charged their decision will be and the justices deserve to stew over this one. But based on their fear of domestic violence, I’ll bet they go political and rule for Trump. Dammit.

— Bruce Knauff, Towson

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